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Calgary Video Production Services


Everything is GOING MOBILE folks. Video Production too.

Over the years you’ve trusted Sparks Media for all your proven traditional advertising and cost effective video production services. We were pioneers & innovators, and continue to lead innovation in INTERACTIVE MARKETING, and web video, web application development, Calgary TV, small business web video, film production, now mobile apps in the palms of your...

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Web Video for ALL 3 Screens: TV, computer and mobile.

Sparks Media Video Production has gone from videography and video editing, to live and post-produced local and network TV programing and commercials. We still do live multi-camera video production, but now it’s for giant screens, streaming web video, and DIRECT to your target in the field. Yes, Sparks Media is still leading invention today, taking video to all three screens.

TV, computer, and MOBILE.

Sparks Media, your trusted local authority in media planning and strategic lead generation concept development for Relevant Consumer Engagement, can develop YOUR OWN Web Video TV Channel for your Canadian company with International Operations. Direct access to film crews and videographers at your remote operations in all corners of the globe. 

Sparks Media thinks globally, but we haven’t forgotten local relevance. We still do local video production for small business, live events, photography & videography, corporate video, training video, and legal video services for lawyers.

>> Video Channel Now being updated             Stay Tuned

>>                     Call 1.403.630.4115                  Sparks Media Corporate Video Production in Calgary Canada

Sparks Media has done great Video Production

for many of the best Global & Calgary Companies.
Here’s a few of our of our happy clients...